Monday, October 11, 2010

Internet Marketing Methods - PPC Vs Organic Search

By; Ramakrishna Gudipudi

When someone thinks of Internet marketing two popular methods come to their mind - organic search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising.

Pay per Click (PPC) advertising is a paid online advertising model, such as Google AdWords. Pay per Click results typically appear as "sponsored links" above or beside the normal (Organic) Search

Engine results.

Organic search engine results are the natural, unpaid search engine results that are determined by the Search Engine. These are generally varied and contain a lengthier description of the web page they are presenting.

Ideally, using both these methods can lead to higher visibility for your site and get the traffic flowing in. But this is often not possible primarily due to limited budgets or minimal resources. When you are faced with a dilemma on zeroing down a specific choice, how do you decide which is the best one for you?

Surprisingly, studies and surveys have revealed that less search engine users visit pay per click advertising sites than visit organic sites because they have a greater level of trust for organic search than for pay-per-click. In fact 4 out of 5 search engine users report that they never click on PPC results. Compare this with the 70% of search engine users who reported visiting organic listings daily. The 'trust' factor is not to be taken seriously considering the black hat techniques that are often adopted by organic marketers.

The best thing about pay-per-click campaigns is the instant results they produce vis-à-vis organic ones that can last for months together and in fact, will show results after a certain gestation period. An organic campaign if done gradually in a proper phased manner, can literally promote increased traffic and rankings for years together.
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Discover Why Email Marketing is the Perfect Internet Marketing Tactic

By; Don Meyer
So, now we have to figure out how are we going to create more qualified sales leads that we can convert into buyers. We can generate sales leads through many forms of advertising; such as, article marketing, pay per click advertising, blogging, social media marketing, press releases, ezines, classifieds... the list goes on and on.
One of the best tactics I have found for internet marketing and finding high quality leads is through email marketing. These days just about every professional in the industry has an email marketing campaign, where they get their sales lead to fill out an opt-in form to get a free e-book or free tips.

There are many reasons that make email marketing so appealing:

o Email marketing is one of the cheapest forms of advertising.
o Almost everyone has an email address.

These two reasons together make the potential of email marketing an absolutely incredible marketing tactic. Not only can you communicate with anyone in the world with just a push of the button, but if your opt-in list was 3,000 people or 300,000 people you can communicate with them with one push of the button. It is extremely efficient.

With email marketing you get feedback quickly; you can have orders coming in almost immediately. It is easy to track and measure the success of a campaign. There's an old advertising saying that goes "I know I wasted half my advertising budget, I just don't know which half". You are also able to see how effective your ad campaign is compared to the number of responses and you can adjust your ad campaign accordingly.
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The Perfect Internet Marketing Plan Can Work Wonders For Your Business

By; Steve Waganer

Most people lead a very busy and hectic life and have very little time to actually sit down and map out the perfect Internet marketing plan for their business. But if you want to be really successful and earn lots of profit form your online business venture you will have to seriously find a good Internet marketing plan. If you feel that it is not possible on your part to find out and implement the internet marketing plan, you can always get help from an internet marketing firm to do the work for you.

Your effort does not end here. After you have implemented the marketing strategy you must constantly find out if your plan is working favorably for your business or not. Make and implement all the changes that you feel is necessary for making your site easily accessible to online visitors. Changes that are done for the betterment of your business prospects are sure to spell success for your online business venture.

There are several ways and methods that you can utilize for finding out if your internet marketing plan is working successfully for your business or not. One way of finding this out is to see if your sales are actually going up or not. If your plan is successful then your sales will touch the roof, what better proof can you have then this. Ask you clients and customers how they came to know about you. If you find that a particular source is working really well for you then you can put major emphasis on that area. Also you can ask them to recommend your goods and services to their family and friends. Word of mouth is a good way of doing successful business.
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